Potential Causes Of Tear Duct Issues In Your Rabbit

Lots of rabbits can develop tear duct issues that require veterinary care. For an owner, it's important to identify the warning signs of problems with this part of your rabbit's body. Generally, excess tearing, pus, and redness around the eyes will be indicative of a tear duct issue. This condition can be uncomfortable for your pet, so it's important to see a veterinarian at a local pet hospital as soon as you realize that something is wrong. In addition to treating the symptoms of the tear duct issue, your vet will also assess the likely cause of this problem. Here are three prevalent causes.

Tooth Overgrowth

A rabbit's teeth are constantly growing in length, and can sometimes get so long that they cause various health issues. One such issue is interference with the animal's tear ducts, given the close proximity between the ducts and the animal's teeth. If your rabbit has issues with its tear ducts because its teeth are overgrown, the veterinarian will begin by grinding down the teeth to an acceptable length. They'll also encourage you to provide your pet with more hay to eat and sticks to chew on, as doing so can keep the growth of the teeth under control and prevent future interference with the tear ducts.

Head Shape

Different rabbit breeds have different head shapes. Many dwarf rabbits, for example, have flattened faces. Tear duct issues are relatively common in rabbits that have this head shape, as the animal's flattened face can sometimes put pressure on the tear duct. If you have a rabbit with this head shape, tear duct issues may be recurring. It's important to visit the animal clinic each time the rabbit experiences excessive discharge or pus around the eye so that it can receive the care it needs.


An infection around the eye has the potential to cause issues with your rabbit's tear ducts. Bacteria around the eye may travel up the duct and cause the duct to tear excessively, produce pus, and create other problems. There are many reasons that a pet rabbit could develop an infection around its eye, including living in an environment that isn't clean. Your veterinarian may ask about the rabbit's living space and encourage you to clean it more frequently as a way of lowering the risk of infections that may affect the rabbit's tear ducts. Make an appointment at your local pet hospital if you believe that your rabbit has problems with its tear ducts.

About Me

Understanding Proper Veterinary Care

For quite some time, I didn't realize just how much care animals really required. I thought I understood, but after becoming a pet owner, I realized just how much I had underestimated the care and attention animals would take. They required around the clock care, and I felt like no matter what I did, they weren't quite satisfied. Fortunately, a friend referred me to a great veterinary clinic, and they worked with my pets to make them better than ever before. Now they are happy, healthy, and more energetic, and it is great to see first hand. Check out this post for tips on veterinary care.



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